Short bursts of teachings can go a long way.

How do we make profound teachings accessible without watering them down?  This is one of the core challenges DiveITO is committed to addressing.  Recently we launched a Sound Cloud.  It's a dandelion of sorts, releasing seeds of transformation into the world.  Each snippet is small and digestible, and each snippet also links back to a much longer talk.  Enjoy!  When you want the thrill of blowing the seeds off the dandelion and watching them ride the winds then go ahead and repost, share, tweet, email,  throw these snippets up on FB, spread the love!  If you don't share who will and if no one does what will the consequences be? 



Here's an example of what you'll find on Sound Cloud.  

Letting Go is Hard Work: Ajan Sucitto

Pithy, penetrating, heartfelt and to the point.  Ajahn Succitto drops his perspective on holding on and letting go.  

Snippet pulled from the talk the Eight Worldly Winds